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The BID runs a variety of projects at any time which are all aimed at improving Kendal town centre, supporting local businesses and boosting the local economy. The number of projects currently being run can change as new projects are adopted and other projects are completed. Running these projects are a core part of BIDs work. Alongside the projects we run ourselves BID also supports a number of projects ran by other businesses and organisations who share our objectives.

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We know that for Kendal to be a successful bustling town it has to be attractive, clean and vibrant. Customers will only come to our highstreets and spend in our businesses if the town looks and feels great. We want Kendal to be a popular destination for visitors and locals alike. As such we are running a grant schemes for BID zone businesses with grants of up to £500 for shopfront improvements



One of BIDs key projects is to attract festivals to Kendal and support festivals to thrive here. Festivals bring visitors directly into Kendal to spend money in the town, support local businesses and provide great events and entertainment for locals. Through marketing, grant funding and working with organisers we bring festivals and revenue directly into Kendal businesses.

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Kendal BID has funded and promoted several new events this year. This will include a Cycling Festival, a Family Festival, and a live music event. We want Kendal's events to be enjoyed by local residents and visitors alike. Further details of events will be posted on this website nearer the time of the event. We would welcome suggestions of other events that can be hosted in our town centre.

Flourescent Light Bulb

GRANTS - Training

Kendal BID also offers grants of £300 for staff training and upto £1,000 for environmental improvements.  Our aim is to give businesses the help they need to invest in improving their business  which will improve the towns environmental impact,street scene and townscape and customer service.

Brainstorming Session


We all know that it is a challenging time to be in business at the moment and it seems like things are going to get even harder. One of the things businesses can do is to work together. They can recommend each other, pass business on to other businesses, do joint marketing and promotions.

Even sharing ideas and offering solutions to problems can be of great help.

To help businesses engage with other businesses that might work together, we would like to set up some business forums that meet once a month.

Suggestions for forums and the types of businesses that might be interested in joining are:

Business services forum - printers, accountants, uniform supplies, stationers, legal firms.

Wedding services - hairdressers, wedding clothing, caterers, wedding car hire, venue hire.

Home improvements - furniture supply, trades, interior designers, bathroom / kitchen supplies.

 If you would like to join one of these forums or suggest a new forum please email



The DISCOVER Kendal app is entirely funded by Kendal BID and showcases all the great things Kendal has to offer. Whether it's the shops, food and drink establishments, attractions or services the app really shows why its great to visit our town.

It's like having a digital tourist information centre in your pocket. It's also a great way to advertise many of our hidden gems which aren't on the high street but nestled away in the many yard and side streets of Kendal. The app is free to download and is up to date with events, promotions, offers and sales the town has going on.

Use the QR code to enter your details

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Kendal BID runs a calendar of town trails to bring people into Kendal town centre. The trails increase footfall and introduce customers to businesses they may never have known existed. We have had good feedback from BID zone businesses that trails have brought people through their doors who have turned into customers. This is a relatively low cost and high impact project which puts local businesses in the spotlight and is particularly popular with families and parents.


The BID team keep the current projects under constant review. We analyse the impact of the projects and gather data to see how effective they are. We scrutinise the results of the projects to make sure we are making the best of use of the BID budget. Existing projects will be closed down if they have reached their natural end or are not delivering good value for levy payers. New projects are regularly reviewed and adopted if they will yield a positive impact on the town and levy paying businesses.


A not for profit private limited company

18 Highgate






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